請在本頁下載 manbetxapp下载 外國留學生入學申請表並填寫。
Please download the XUT application form in this page.
【Application Form】manbetxapp下载
Application Time: March to May (Deadline: 31 May)
學曆生所需材料Relative documents required for Degree applicants: (1)護照複印件/Photo copy of passport (2)個人簡曆/Resume (3)最高學位證書/Official diploma and degree (4)學習成績單/ Related transcripts (5)2份推薦信(碩博生)/Two letters of recommendation (Master & doctoral students) (6)來華學習或研究計劃/A study plan or research proposal (7)《外國人體格檢查表》複印件/photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (8)當地警方開據的無犯罪記錄證明/ Certificate of Non-criminal Record issued by the local police (must with police stamp, 距申請日期前六個月內有效 Valid for six months prior to the application date) (9)如已獲得HSK成績報告,亦請附在申請材料中/HSK Certificate, if applicable (10)年齡不滿18周歲的申請人,須提交在華法定監護人的相關法律文件;Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the valid documents of their legal guardians in China. (11)報名費400元收據/Receipt of 400 RMB / 60USD application fee. 報名費Application Fee: 400 RMB or 60 USD
Remittance Approach:
Chinese RMB (¥) Account [人民幣賬戶] [開戶銀行:中國銀行西安金花南路支行] [銀行地址:西安市金花南路5號] 聯行號:104791003323
U. S. Dollar ($) Account [美元賬戶] [開戶銀行:中國銀行西安金花南路支行] [銀行地址:西安市金花南路5號]
Please be sure to state your passport number and name on the transfer information.
Whether the candidate is accepted or not, all the application material will not be returned |
An incomplete application form or failure to submit supporting documents
WILL DELAY the process of your application.
IF any document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by
notarized Chinese or English translation.