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manbetxapp下载 學報2020年第36卷第3期文獻題錄


● 水災害防治與可持續發展專題       


[1] 侯精明,康永德,李軒,陳光照,羅慧,白光弼,畢旭,高徐軍,孔祥建. 西安市暴雨致澇成因分析及對策[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)269-274.

   HOU Jingming, KANG Yongde, LI Xuan, CHEN Guangzhao, LUO Hui, BAI Guangbi, BI Xu, GAO Xujun, KONG Xiangjian. Analysis and countermeasures of inundation caused by heavy rain in Xi’an[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 269-274.

[2] 李家科,郝改瑞,李舒,彭凱,宋嘉,韓蕊翔,張子航. 漢江流域陝西段非點源汙染特征解析[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)275-285.

   LI Jiake, HAO Gairui, LI Shu, PENG Kai, SONG Jia, HAN Ruixiang, ZHANG Zihang. Analysis of non-point source pollution characteristics in Shaanxi section of Hanjiang River Basin[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 275-285.

[3] 王偉,李誌能,李鵬,張禕,常恩浩,蘇遠逸. 連續極端暴雨事件下小流域侵蝕泥沙流失規律研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)286-293.

   WANG Wei, LI Zhineng, LI Peng, ZHANG Yi, CHANG Enhao, SU Yuanyi. Study on the law of erosion and sediment loss in continuous extreme rainstorm events in the Loess Plateau[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 286-293.

[4] 梁藝繽,郭愛軍,暢建霞. 漢江上遊石泉-安康梯級水庫聯合防洪調度研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)294-299.

   LIANG Yibin, GUO Aijun, CHANG Jianxia. Study of joint flood control operation of Shiquan-Ankang cascade reservoirs in the upper reaches of Hanjiang River[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 294-299.

[5] 黃振宇,潘保柱. 洪水過程對水生態係統影響的研究進展[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)300-306.

   HUANG Zhenyu, PAN Baozhu. Research on the impact of flood process on aquatic ecosystem[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 300-306.

[6] 王琳,李炎隆,武鈺淼. 堰塞湖土料衝蝕特性測量係統研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)307-315.

   WANG Lin, LI Yanlong, WU Yumiao. Research on measurement system of soil erosion characteristics for barrier lake study on the measurement system of the erosion characteristics of the earth material in the barrier lake[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 307-315.

[7] 董程,馮民權. 長江流域洪水汛情分布與水位-流量特征關係分析[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)316-322.

   DONG Cheng, FENG Minquan. Analysis of the relationship between flood distribution and water level-discharge characteristics in the Yangtze River[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 316-322.

[8] 張瑞涵,高涵. 氣候變化條件下黃河流域的旱澇特征[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)323-329.

   ZHANG Ruihan, GAO Han. Characteristics of drought-flood in the Yellow River Basin under climate change[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 323-329.

[9] 陳光照,侯精明,同玉,周聶,高徐軍,蘇鋒,李繼成,呂鵬,楊宵,張宏芳. 基於大氣-水動力集成模型的城市內澇模擬預報研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)330-336.

   CHEN Guangzhao, HOU Jingming, TONG Yu, ZHOU Nie, GAO Xujun, SU Feng, LI Jicheng, LÜ Peng, YANG Xiao, ZHANG Hongfang. Urban inundation simulation forecasting based on atmosphere-hydrodynamic integrated model[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 330-336.

[10] 張繼成,邱曉鵬,鄭楊,李顯鵬,鄭興. 夏季暴雨引發的城市供水水質汙染風險及防治對策[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)337-341356.

   ZHANG Jicheng, QIU Xiaopeng, ZHENG Yang, LI Xianpeng, ZHENG Xing. Pollution risk of urban water supply caused by rainstorm in summer and its prevention countermeasures[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 337-341, 356.

[11] 姬宏偉,白濤,劉登峰,欒金凱,慕鵬飛. 無資料地區不同時間尺度下流量曆時曲線推演及規律分析[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)342-348.

   JI Hongwei, BAI Tao, LIU Dengfeng, LUAN Jinkai, MU Pengfei. Deduction and law analysis of flow duration curve in different time scales in the ungauged basins[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 342-348.

[12] 邱曉鵬,黃廷林,周石磊,史建超,曹昕,鄭興. 強降雨對水源水庫夏季藍藻水華的影響[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)349-356.

   QIU Xiaopeng, HUANG Tinglin, ZHOU Shilei, SHI Jianchao, CAO Xin, ZHENG Xing. Effects of heavy rainfall in summer on cyanobacterial blooms in source water reservoir[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 349-356.

[13] 劉娜,李仲鈺,杜誌水,王盼,何洋. 瀾滄江烏弄龍水庫泥沙淤積及排沙運行方式[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)357-361.

   LIU Na, LI Zhongyu, DU Zhishui, WANG Pan, HE Yang. Preliminary study on sediment deposition and operation mode of Wunonglong Reservoir on Lancang River[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 357-361.

[14] 王盼,何洋,杜誌水. 基於水動力數值計算的城市設計洪水模擬研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)362-366.

   WANG Pan, HE Yang, DU Zhishui. Research on urban design flood simulation based on hydrodynamic numerical calculation[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 362-366.


[15] 劉長龍,常軍,劉娜,張騰. 高速鐵路的建設對沿線區域土地利用變化影響研究——以京滬高鐵山東段為例[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)367-375423.

   LIU Changlong, CHANG Jun, LIU Na, ZHANG Teng. Study of the effect of high-speed railway construction on the changes of surrounding area land use: based the high speed railway of Beijing to Shanghai in Shandong Province[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 367-375, 423.


[16] 左娟莉,楊泓,魏炳乾,張凱,吳霜. 不同液體介質下小型氣力提升泵水力特性研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)376-382.

   ZUO Juanli, YANG Hong, WEI Bingqian, ZHANG Kai, WU Shuang. Analysis of hydraulic characteristics of small air lift pump with different liquids[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 376-382.


[17] 扈文秀,杜金柱,章偉果. 信息披露質量對公司業績的影響研究——兼論獨立董事的治理效應[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)383-391.

   HU Wenxiu, DU Jinzhu, ZHANG Weiguo. Research on the influence of information disclosure quality on corporate performance: the governance effect of independent director[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 383-391.

[18] 張靜,陳淑芳,白珂瑞. 基於產權性質差異的管理層能力與上市公司避稅行為實證研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)392-401.

   ZHANG Jing, CHEN Shufang, BAI Kerui. An empirical study on management ability and tax avoidance behavior of listed companies based on the difference of property rights[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 392-401.

[19] 關靖雲,李東,紀光萌. 基於網絡數據的酒店競爭力空間格局及障礙因子分析——以烏魯木齊市中高端酒店為例[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)402-411.

   GUAN Jingyun, LI Dong, JI Guangmeng. Analysis of spatial pattern and obstacle factors of hotel competitiveness based on internet data: a case study of middle-top grade hotels of Urumqi[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 402-411.

[20] 馬正瑞,李明,張媛媛. 區間直覺模糊群決策方法及其在高校人才引進中的應用[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)412-423.

   MA Zhengrui, LI Ming, ZHANG Yuanyuan. Interval intuitionistic fuzzy group decision-making method and its application in talent introduction to universities[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 412-423.


[21] 郭宏超,李濤,王德法,李曉蕾,劉雲賀. 跨越地裂縫複雜連體結構動力響應分析[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)424-431.

   GUO Hongchao, LI TAO, WANG Defa, LI Xiaolei, LIU Yunhe. Dynamic response analysis of complex connected structures crossing ground fissures[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 424-431.


[22] 王守鵬,趙東梅,袁敬中,高楊. 一種用於同塔雙回線故障定位的新相模變換法[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報,202036(3)432-438.

   WANG Shoupeng, ZHAO Dongmei, YUAN Jingzhong, GAO Yang. New phase-mode transformation matrix for fault location of double-circuit transmission lines[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(3): 432-438.

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