● “雙碳”專題
[1] 張雪潔,王成新,苗毅,王建事,李夢程. 基於多源數據的城市用地強度對碳排放的影響研究——以青島市為例[J]. manbetxapp下载
ZHANG Xuejie, WANG Chengxin, MIAO Yi, WANG Jianshi, LI Mengcheng. Study on the impact of urban land intensity on carbon emissions based on multi-source data: a case study of Qingdao City[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 451-461.
[2] 王誌秀,王誌寶,龐玉建. 中國大陸旅遊業碳足跡與碳承載能力動態研究[J]. manbetxapp下载
WANG Zhixiu, WANG Zhibao, PANG Yujian. Dynamic research on tourism carbon footprint with tourism carbon capacity in mainland China[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 462-475.
[3] 米瑩,藺雪芹,王岱,崔惟佳. 中國東部沿海地區工業碳排放效率時空演化特征及影響因素[J]. manbetxapp下载
MI Ying, LIN Xueqin, WANG Dai, CUI Weijia. Spatial-temporal evolution characteristics and influencing factors of industrial carbon emission efficiency in eastern coastal areas of China[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 476-486.
● 生態與環保
[4] 李喜妍,藺雪芹,王岱. 中國城市空氣質量的時空演化特征及影響因素[J]. manbetxapp下载
LI Xiyan , LIN Xueqin , WANG Dai. Spatiotemporal evolution characteristics and influencing factors of urban air quality in China[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 487-499.
[5] 李雪平,張引. 基於能耗模擬的皖南徽派民居節能改造研究[J]. manbetxapp下载
LI Xueping, ZHANG Yin. Comprehensive benefit analysis of energy-saving transformation of Hui-style residential buildings in southern Anhui [J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 500-506, 569.
[6] 沈瑞華,姚磊. 基於脫鉤分析的2004—2017年京津冀城市群水足跡與經濟發展的協調關係研究[J]. manbetxapp下载
SHEN Ruihua, YAO Lei. Decoupling analysis of water footprint and economic development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration from 2004 to 2017[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 507-518.
● 機械與精密儀器工程
[7] 楊秀芳,何亞鵬,徐雨達,邵偉. 基於GAPSO-SVM的多級齒輪箱故障診斷新方法[J]. manbetxapp下载
YANG Xiufang, HE Yapeng, XU Yuda, SHAO Wei. A new fault diagnosis method for multistage gearbox based on GAPSO-SVM[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 519-525.
[8] 劉善慧,王子煜,習大潤,丁好迪,薛誌成. 卷筒料精密塗布機張力係統耦合建模與分析[J]. manbetxapp下载
LIU Shanhui, WANG Ziyu, XI Darun, DING Haodi, XUE Zhicheng. Coupling modeling and analysis of tension system for roll-to-roll precision coating machine[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 526-532.
[9] 江飛,焦明星,蘇娟,邢俊紅,劉芸. 正交解調Pound-Drever-Hall激光穩頻技術實驗研究[J]. manbetxapp下载
JIANG Fei, JIAO Mingxing, SU Juan, XING Junhong, LIU Yun. Experimental investigations of laser frequency stabilizing techniques using quadrature-demodulated Pound-Drever-Hall method[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 533-537.
● 水利水電
[10] 李亞嬌,沈昞昕,李家科,李瑩,劉易文,周翔. 漢江流域上遊景觀格局變化及水沙響應關係[J]. manbetxapp下载
LI Yajiao, SHEN Bingxin, LI Jiake, LI Ying, LIU Yiwen, ZHOU Xiang. Changes of landscape pattern and response relationship between water and sediment in the upper reaches of Hanjiang River Basin[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 538-550.
● 計算機科學與工程
[11] 池吉奕,孫鵬. 基於軟似然函數的直覺模糊多屬性決策方法[J]. manbetxapp下载
CHI Jiyi, SUN Peng. Intuitionistic fuzzy multi-attribute decision making based on soft likelihood function[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 551-557.
[12] 孫軍豔,閆春妍,陳智瑞,牛亞儒. 基於揀貨單排序的貨物動態協同與路徑聯合優化研究[J]. manbetxapp下载
SUN Junyan, YAN Chunyan, CHEN Zhirui, NIU Yaru. Research on dynamic cargo collaboration and path joint optimization based on pick order sorting[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 558-569.
[13] 張麗改,王兵,李鵬勝,趙越. 高海拔公路隧道進口段駕駛人生理特征識別模型研究[J]. manbetxapp下载
ZHANG Ligai, WANG Bing, LI Pengsheng, ZHAO Yue. Study of driver’s physiological feature recognition model at the entrance of high altitude highway tunnel[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 570-576.
● 土木建築工程
[14] 王立新,王強,李炳龍,薛勳強,徐碩碩,範飛飛. 基坑卸載對臨近地鐵車站影響的數值模擬研究[J]. manbetxapp下载
WANG Lixin, WANG Qiang, LI Binglong, XUE Xunqiang, XU Shuoshuo, FAN Feifei. Numerical simulation study on influence of foundation pit unloading near adjacent subway station[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 577-587, 602.
[15] 薛國斌,胡安龍,魏勇,馮燕軍,梁魁,李麟鶴. 基於代價敏感係數的混凝土抗壓強度預測[J]. manbetxapp下载
XUE Guobin, HU Anlong, WEI Yong, FENG Yanjun, LIANG Kui, LI Linhe. Compressive strength prediction of concrete based on the cost-sensitive coefficients[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 588-593.
● 電氣工程
[16] 程遠,張輝,邵文權,張輝. 考慮子模塊電容電壓離散度閾值的MMC改進均壓策略[J]. manbetxapp下载
CHENG Yuan, ZHANG Hui, SHAO Wenquan, ZHANG Hui. Improved voltage equalization strategy for MMC considering the discrete degree of sub-module capacitor voltage[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2022, 38(4): 594-602.