● 生態與環保
[1] 黃蘭,陳秋計,馮建中,劉瑞祥. 基於地理探測器的神府礦區生境質量時空特征及驅動機製分析[J]. manbetxapp下载
HUANG Lan, CHEN Qiuji, FENG Jianzhong, LIU Ruixiang. Spatial-temporal characteristics and driving mechanisms analysis of habitat quality in Shenfu mining area based on geodetector[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 451-463.
[2] 趙菊花,王玉傑,楊永崇,王濤,田苗,邢曉露,郭誌煒,蘇文壯. 基於遙感生態指數和MCR模型的沙漠丘陵區生態網絡構建[J]. manbetxapp下载
ZHAO Juhua, WANG Yujie, YANG Yongchong, WANG Tao, TIAN Miao, XING Xiaolu, GUO Zhiwei, SU Wenzhuang. Construction of ecological network in desert hilly region based on remote sensing ecological index and MCR model[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 464-475.
[3] 蔚麗傑,王誌寶. 濟南市空巢老人時空分布及養老意願選擇研究[J]. manbetxapp下载
WEI Lijie, WANG Zhibao. A study on the spatio-temporal distribution and endowment willingness of empty nesters in Jinan[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 476-487.
[4] 徐冬平,李泉,劉楠,趙力,路秋玲. 基於鄉村聚落特征的秦巴山區自然保護地分類研究——以漢中市為例[J]. manbetxapp下载
XU Dongping, LI Quan, LIU Nan, ZHAO Li, LU Qiuling. Study on the classification of natural protections in Qinba Mountain based on the characteristics of rural settlement: a case study of Hanzhong City[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 488-496.
[5] 劉政,汪妮,餘龍,張昕,汪泉熹. 地下水超采區種植結構調整下的生態補償激勵機製研究[J]. manbetxapp下载
LIU Zheng, WANG Ni, YU Long, ZHANG Xin, WANG Quanxi. Study on incentive mechanism for ecological compensation in the adjustment of planting structure in groundwater overdraft area[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 497-505.
● 材料科學與工程
[6] 張姿,王瑞紅. 預變形對Al-Cu-Mg-Ag合金時效組織及性能的影響[J]. manbetxapp下载
ZHANG Zi, WANG Ruihong. Effect of pre-deformation on aged microstructure and properties of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 506-512.
● 機械與精密儀器工程
[7] 劉永,寧蕊,李言,楊明順,高新勤. 用於裝配動作識別的肌電信號特征優化選擇方法[J]. manbetxapp下载
LIU Yong, NING Rui, LI Yan, YANG Mingshun, GAO Xinqin. Optimal selection method of electromyographic signal features for assembly gesture recognition[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 513-520.
[8] 王宇芸,張國亮,尹維,楊鐸,翁藝斌,李奇. 多孔Cu-BTC/Ag納米複合潤滑劑減摩與自修複性能研究[J]. manbetxapp下载
WANG Yuyun, ZHANG Guoliang, YIN Wei, YANG Duo, WENG Yibin, LI Qi. Antifriction and self-healing properties of porous Cu-BTC/Ag nanocomposite lubricant[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 521-528, 566.
● 自動化與信息工程
[9] 張曉暉,白文奇,楊鬆楠,王曉娟. 基於差分Causal LSTM模型的氣象圖像短時預測研究[J]. manbetxapp下载
ZHANG Xiaohui, BAI Wenqi, YANG Songnan, WANG Xiaojuan. Research on short-time prediction of meteorological images based on differential-Causal LSTM Model[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 529-535.
● 經濟與管理
[10] 牛曉琴,左紅豔,牛曉冬. 企業數字化轉型對高管管理防禦行為的影響研究[J]. manbetxapp下载
NIU Xiaoqin, ZUO Hongyan, NIU Xiaodong. Research on the impact of digital transformation on managerial entrenchment behavior of executives[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 536-546.
● 計算機科學與工程
[11] 魯曉鋒,李思訓,柏曉飛,黑新宏. 基於區域生長與區域覆蓋比的紅外弱小目標檢測[J]. manbetxapp下载
LU Xiaofeng, LI Sixun, Bai Xiaofei, HEI Xinhong. Infrared small target detection based on region growth and region coverage ratio[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 547-556.
[12] 劉建華,羅榮鑫,劉佳嘉,李煒,史小妮. 基於 NSGA-II的車聯網邊緣計算任務卸載方案[J]. manbetxapp下载
LIU Jianhua, LUO Rongxin, LIU Jiajia, LI Wei, SHI Xiaoni. Task offloading scheme for internet of vehicles edge computing based on NSGA-II[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 557-566.
[13] 晏潤冰,李明輝,李煜博,張夢圓,李金彪,張奇. 基於改進TResNet的下水道缺陷識別算法[J]. manbetxapp下载
YAN Runbing, LI Minghui, LI Yubo, ZHANG Mengyuan, LI Jinbiao, ZHANG Qi. An improved TResNet algorithm for sewer defect identification[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 567-575.
● 土木建築工程
[14] 李濤,吳麗傑,續辰,楊玉坤,吳雨停. 考慮不同岩土抗力的加錨雙排樁受力變形計算[J]. manbetxapp下载
LI Tao, WU Lijie, XU Chen, YANG Yukun, WU Yuting. Stress calculation and analysis of double row pile supporting structure with anchor in deep foundation pit considering pile anchor cooperation[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 576-585.
● 電氣工程
[15] 李學軍,胡安龍,薛國斌,魏勇,尚誌鵬,李麟鶴. 基於改進隱馬爾可夫模型的輸電線路覆冰厚度概率預測[J]. manbetxapp下载
LI Xuejun, HU Anlong, XUE Guobin, WEI Yong, SHANG Zhipeng, LI Linhe. Probabilistic icing prediction of transmission lines based on improved hidden Markov model[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 586-594.
[16] 鞏兆偉,李金剛,同向前. 並聯混合拓撲的抗偏移恒流輸出無線充電係統[J]. manbetxapp下载
GONG Zhaowei, LI Jingang, TONG Xiangqian. Parallel hybrid wireless charging with misalignment tolerance and constant current output[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2023, 39(4): 595-602.